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Basic Linux Terminal Commands

Below is a comprehensive list of commonly used basic commands in the Linux terminal. These commands are essential for managing the system, interacting with files, and performing various tasks through the command-line interface.

  1. pwd: Display the current working directory.
  2. ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
    • ls -l: Display file/directory information in long format.
    • ls -a: Display all files/directories, including hidden ones.
  3. cd: Change directory.
    • cd [directory_name]: Move to the specified directory.
    • cd ..: Move to the parent directory.
    • cd ~: Move to the user’s home directory.
  4. mkdir: Create a new directory.
    • mkdir [directory_name]: Create a directory with a specific name.

Files and Directories

  1. touch: Create an empty file. - touch [file_name]: Create a file with a specific name.
  2. cp: Copy files/directories.
    • cp [source] [destination]: Copy source to destination.
  3. mv: Move or rename files/directories.
    • mv [source] [destination]: Move source to destination.
    • mv [old_name] [new_name]: Rename a file/directory.
  4. rm: Delete files/directories.
    • rm [file_name]: Delete a file with a specific name.
    • rm -r [directory_name]: Delete a directory and its contents recursively.
  5. cat: Display the contents of a file in the terminal.
    • cat [file_name]: Display the contents of a specific file.

Text File Manipulation

  1. nano or vim: Edit text files in the terminal.
  2. echo: Display text in the terminal or save it to a file.
    • echo [text]: Display text in the terminal.
    • echo [text] > [file_name]: Save text to a file (overwrite content).
    • echo [text] >> [file_name]: Append text to a file (without overwriting).

System Information

  1. uname: Display information about the system.
    • uname -a: Display detailed system information.
  2. top: Display a list of running processes.
  3. free: Display memory usage.
  4. df: Display disk space usage information.

User and Permission Management

  1. sudo: Execute commands as a superuser (root).
  2. useradd: Add a new user.
  3. passwd: Change a user’s password.
  4. chmod: Change file/directory permissions.
  5. chown: Change file/directory ownership.


  1. ping: Send ICMP echo packets to a network address.
    • ping [ip_address]: Send ping packets to an IP address.
  2. ifconfig or ip: Display network interface information.
  3. ssh: Access a remote machine using Secure Shell (SSH).
    • ssh [username]@[ip_address]: Connect to a remote machine.